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June 2024 Important Message


“…I run on auto-pilot ...”

Hello Seekers of Greater Well-BEing!

Drs. Sulak and Waxman! Got to share this! Here’s a message we received from “RB”, an LWA participant, who went from obese / out of shape TO her current status: NOT obese / IN shape / happier than ever. She looks amazing! We went for a long walk / talk a few days ago and discussed WHY and HOW she has been able to make dramatic life changes which she has sustained for the past 2 years - - all the while ENJOYING the journey.  Here’s what she emailed me after our walk:

“THANK YOU again for your time and encouragement yesterday and stretching my mind. I have heard you talk about changing our BS but until yesterday didn’t realize I have done it and am currently doing it by the choices I am making.  So much of the time, I run on auto-pilot that I have to force myself to slow down and think about what I am doing and the person I have become. I never cease to learn something from you and/or Jeff and am EXTREMELY grateful for that.”

FOLKS: We ALL run on AUTO-PILOT!! MOST (and I mean MOST) of what we do EVERY day is programmed in our subconscious mind – our Thinking, Feeling, and Acting. Our likes, dislikes – they’re programmed. Our eating / drinking habits – programmed. Our emotions – programmed. Are you thinking: “Life is Difficult”? If so, it’s because that’s your program. Are you thinking: “Happiness is _______” (the next vacation, car, retirement, when I’m healthier, when people do what I want them to do, fill in the blank)? Yep, once again – programming. Or, does your program’s BS think: “I am unlimited / limitless. I am grateful for my life and its possibilities. I have everything I need to take my life to a higher level – in a state of peace and joy! I determine my emotional state – not the events / actions of others.” I submit, we can all upgrade some of our programs! NONE of us are the amazing version we are capable of BEing.  

WHY can we have difficulty making changes? We’re running the SAME program! “RB” changed her program! Let’s go over this again. (If you’re like me, you need to hear something several times before it clicks.)  Your brain is an amazing GPS. No, not Global Positioning System. It’s a Global Performance System. How does the GPS in your phone / car work? You plug in the destination, and it will give you several programmed routes to get you there – and will change routes if there are obstacles / obstructions. Guess what? That’s how your brain works!  “RB” realized she had installed a new program, a new destination. She saw herself as she had never seen / been before. She learned new information and programmed routes on HOW to get to her destination. The destination was visualized so often that the program was running automatically – on auto-pilot. She even shared with me that one morning she really was not feeling well with some sort of viral flu-like syndrome, but she got up and exercised anyway. I asked her Why she did that? She said: “I don’t know.” Was it will power? NO! I told her it was the program! When you know your destination (what you want your life to look like), your GPS will keep trying to find ways to get you there – even when there are obstacles. That’s why she emailed me to relate that she gets it / this stuff works – and now she knows why! And she keeps improving the program because she knows there is so much more to learn.

How’s the first half of 2024 going? We’ll soon be in the 2nd half, so there’s plenty of time to make 2024 the Year of the New YOU. What will it take? Learning HOW to delete / edit / install new programs into your GPS. FORWARD THIS TO ANYONE YOU KNOW WHO NEEDS AN UPLIFTING MESSAGE!

THANKS to the many who have registered for LWA 2024: A Life-Changing Journey Into Optimal Wellness. The 7-month journey started in May and continues through December. Recordings of all webinars and the additional LWA Online Course are available ALL YEAR LONG. LINK TO REGISTRATION. For questions, contact Gabe at   FORWARD this to anyone you think would benefit from Living WELL Aware. Travel the journey with them!

We love hearing from you! For those that have thought about contacting us, EMAIL NOW – SEND!

ONWARD, it gets better!

Patsy and Jeff

Patricia J. Sulak, MD / Jeffrey A. Waxman, MD

THANKS to the businesses, organizations, and schools that have invited us to conduct an LWA keynote / seminar. We are truly grateful for your investment in elevating the well-being of your members. And a Big THANKS to First Community Title. We’re loving the weekly wellness webinars with your employees. Contact us NOW to discuss the many options available! You’ll be glad you did. That’s our guarantee.

THANKS to the many school districts implementing Living WELL Aware: My Choices, My Life – The Guide to Adolescent Wellness. We continue to add to the growing list of school districts across Texas implementing our truly one-of-a-kind program. Reasons Schools Choose LWA MC ML. And thanks to the many school districts having Dr. Sulak speak to employees this summer including Belton ISD, Killeen ISD, Temple ISD, Bartlett ISD, Karnes City ISD, Grandview ISD, Itasca ISD, Jarrell ISD, and Rosebud-Lott ISD. A few dates are still available.