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February 2025 Newsletter


The Ruler of Your Life is...


Hello LWA Seekers of Greater Well-BEing!

How’s 2025 going for you? Whether it’s off to a banner start - - or not - - depends on ONE factor: Your BS. Your Belief System. Our BELIEFS direct our THINKING which determines our feelings and our actions and the resultant OUTCOMES. I know, it’s easy for us to argue with this FACT. We can say things are going well, or not, depending on “outside” factors – the stock market, our work, our health status, the health status of our loved ones, the condition of our many possessions (house, car, etc), our family / friend relationships, the weather! The TRUTH: It’s not what’s happening “out there”. It’s our beliefs about what’s happening out there. (NOTE to LWA 2024: See my review of Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl on the LWA Online Course.)

What IS a belief? It’s a recurring thought. That recurring thought (originating in the BRAIN) leads to recurring feelings / emotions (the BODY’s reaction) leading to recurring actions / behaviors and the same outcomes. The beliefs are so ingrained, we don’t even realize it. We’re functioning on autopilot. The body has been programmed to subconsciously feel / act in a certain way because THE BELIEF IS THE PROGRAM. Our subconscious mind is automatically telling our body how to feel and act - - and we “think” that’s the truth, that there’s no other way. We ALL have beliefs that do not serve us and others well. These beliefs are the cause of misery in our lives: our ATTACHMENTS. We can be attached to what I call PTO. No, not Paid Time Off. I’m talking about People, Things, Outcomes. PEOPLE are temporary. We will all exit planet Earth. THINGS are temporary: they break, wear out, get destroyed, stolen, become outdated. OUTCOMES are often NOT under our control.

The Answer: We can find JOY in life if we are not “attached” to all our PTO. I absolutely LOVE my husband, my kids, my grandkids, my amazing friends. I also know that my and their earthly existence is TEMPORARY. I’m going to enjoy them while they are here and unconditionally love them. If any of them meet their Creator before I do, my goal is to find joy in having had them as a part of my life – and into eternity. I enjoy my house, my car, my red boots (thank you Beverly!), and my thousands of other possessions. I can have joy with them – and without them. I’m setting myself up for misery if I’m attached to any of them. Life is full of OUTCOMES, what we refer to as events – wanted and unwanted, expected and unexpected. My Ego can think such craziness as: “This should NOT have happened.” “Things should go the way I think they should.” “People should do ________ , not ___________ .” Isn’t it crazy how self-centered the Ego is, thinking it always knows best and thinking it’s in charge!

Our attachments are not facts. They’re BELIEFS! Think about all the things we are attached to. Examples:

  • I can’t give up my specialty coffee, bread, chocolate, alcohol, ice cream, ________ (fill in the blank). 
  • I’m a victim of _____________ (fill in the blank).
  • I can’t live without ___________ (fill in the blank).

We can also be attached to feeling a certain way. We can become addicted to worry, inadequacy, stress, even depression. Or, we can become addicted to thinking: “I’m right. They’re wrong. I’m better than them.” Know any of these people! We can become so wired (programmed) to think, feel, and act a certain way, we become addicted to that thinking, that feeling. We’re attached to it.

Living WELL Aware is all about living well AWARE! How are ANY of us going to improve? We must question our BS: our Belief System. Same beliefs lead to same thinking, feeling, actions, lead to same outcomes. How do we become a better version of ourselves? Question our BELIEFS that are subconsciously running our lives. It’s great being married to Dr. Waxman. He is passionate about continually getting closer to that amazing version he was created to BE, and not just physically. He’s constantly questioning beliefs that are not serving him well – and having me attend yet another mind-changing conference!  I am also blessed to have several friends whom I meet with regularly who are courageous in questioning long-held beliefs that are not serving them and others well. I love being with these people because they are so unique. They don’t complain, they don’t live in self-pity, they don’t think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. They just know that the answer to a life of Peace, Joy, and Abundance is not “out there”. It's inside. It’s their reaction to life events. Other people don’t need to change. They need to change. Deep inside, they know there’s a better way, and they want to find it - - by giving up BELIEFS that are not loving, caring, and forgiving. 

As 2025 unfolds, I encourage everyone to QUESTION EVERYTHING, RETAIN WHAT IS TRUE. The TRUTH: God’s will for us is Peace, Joy, and Abundance. It’s a BELIEF AWAY! It’s all about Living WELL Aware!

COMING SOON! LWA 2025! A BIG THANK YOU TO LWA 2024 registrants. I hope you’re making your way through the comprehensive online course which includes recordings of the 20 live 2024 webinars, the book reviews, and much more. AND, get ready for LWA 2025. Registration will be opening next week. LWA 2025 will have 20 live webinars with recordings (10 book review webinars of the best in wellness, 10 hot wellness topic webinars). We will be announcing the books / topics next week. Stay Tuned!

THANKS to Temple College, Advent Health, Education Service Center Region 13 Austin, Baylor Scott & White Nursing Dept, McLane Co, Temple Community Clinic, BSWH Health Plan, UMHB, Education Service Center Region 20 San Antonio, National Association of Catastrophe Adjusters, NAACP, and others for scheduling Dr. Sulak and Dr. Waxman to speak in 2025. 

THANKS to the many school districts utilizing Living WELL Aware: My Choices, My Life – The Guide to Adolescent Wellness. Check out our brief INFO VIDEO and reasons so many public, private, Christian, and special needs schools are implementing our program. LINK TO PDF.

Our Mission: Assist you in questioning self-limiting beliefs, discovering the person you were created to BE, and the most effective, efficient route to having a life of peace, joy, and abundance.

Wishing you a life of peace, joy, and abundance by Living WELL Aware!


Patsy and Jeff

Patricia J. Sulak, MD / Jeffrey A. Waxman, MD

Does your school, business, or organization need a Wellness Awakening? Contact Gabe Waxman, LWA Director of Operations ( to schedule a wellness keynote presentation, workshop, or conference. It’s a game changer! That’s our guarantee.